
amy went to town one day
and saw another girl her age
the girl had the same face as amy
amy wanted to exclaimy
that she was not the number 2
im the realest amy 1 not you
you are the number 2 to me
but im me you not me thats 3
lets go to mom and have her see
so amy amy went to mom
getting there did not take long
mom said theres amy darling dear
both 1 and 2 and 3 are here
and amy was in so much fear
that amy 1 did disappear
which left just amy 2 and 3
good enough for mom it seemed
mom said amy 3 and 2 lets eat
but what a shame for amy 3
she tasted good, right amy 2?
but 2 had sadly turned to goo
so what kind of lesson could there be?
from losing amy 1 2 and 3?
Mom's fine.

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