Let's take a walk instead
- Day 4 In A&E
- Free TV from 6am to noon
This product
- This product relieves your pain
- This product changed a man
- This product takes care of itself
- This product is bigger than any other product
- This product is smaller than any other product
- You dont need to wrestle with this product
- This product has 3 times more
- This product is unbelievably light
- About 1 pound
- Imagine using this product
- Imagine having sex with this product
- Imagine this product in your life
- Imagine this product is you
- This products design is patented
- Nothing has every been easier
- Life is easier
- Having friends comes naturally
- No one will fuck you over ever again
- From £19.99 + £3.99p+p
- Whatever the size
- This product’s value is higher than what we’ll sell it to you for
- Ask your operator
- Ask for the extension to make this product even easier
- Even stronger
- Even longer
- You can choose your favorite way to pay
- If you don’t love this product
- You’ve never known love
- And you never will
- Check this out
- We tried to fuck with this product
- We couldnt
- This product killed us for trying to fuck with it
- Im not a scientist but listen to this
- When you turn it off
- It really is the coolest
- When I do this it can take it
- When i do that it can take it
- Well i really believe in this product
- This is going to change the way people think
- I used this product yesterday
- This product used me tomorrow and now im in love
- This product makes other people look like a huge waste of time
- This product makes other products look like a joke
- Tired of bending down to straighten it out?
- Tired of tugging and lugging?
- Tired of being constantly let down?
- Act now
- How much time and energy have you spent?
- Dont lose
- If you have a UK NUMBER call my bedside phone
- 08722119752
© 2022 Hope You're Well